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ChexSystems Solutions - Second Chance Checking Banks

How to Remove Chexsystems

Chexsystems may be a beneficial tool for banks but it can cause serious problems for banking customers who do not have perfect banking records. It is a databank of customers that have been submitted by banks who have experience problems in the past with these individuals for reasons ranging from repeated bounced checks to accounts that are constantly overdrawn. There are some banking customers however that are reported to Chexsystems that should not be. Once reported they must suffer the consequences along with the guilty offenders.

For those who have been flagged in this system it may be difficult to find a bank that will approve you for an account. In the United States the vast majority of banks check this system before they open new account for prospective customers. It is not easy in our modern world to be without a bank account. Being blacklisted in the Chexsystems can cause its share of problems for your life and your financial possibilities.

If you find yourself caught in this quagmire then the solution is to take a look at the Chexsystems appeal process to figure out if it can get you back on favorable terms with a bank of your choosing. You can dispute the bad report that you have been given by the consumer reporting bureau and from there you can request that the negative information be removed in order that you can open a bank account and start anew. The process is very similar in nature to what happens if you end up with a bad credit rating in your credit report and want to dispute the entries found there.

Here is what you can do to remove yourself from Chexsystems

To start you should visit the website ChexHelp.

  • Once you have arrived there look to the left of the site and click on the link that reads “Order Consumer Report.”
  • If you prefer you can first click on where it reads “Sample Consumer Report.” This will give you an idea of what the report will look like once you receive your copy of it.
  • Make sure you read through the conditions and terms on the screen you will be brought to next. You must click “AGREE” to move onto the next phase of the process.
  • You will then be asked on the next screen if you have been denied the opportunity to open a bank account in the past 60 days. Click on the “Yes” button and then click “NEXT” which is to be found on the lower right hand area of the page. You then must verify that you are over the age of 18 on the following page and then continue from there.
  • On the next screen you must fill out some relevant personal information and then at the bottom of the page verify the security code. Then click the submit button found at the bottom of the screen. Your report should be sent to you within five to seven business days.

Another option available to you for receiving your report is to call the Chexsystems toll-free number to request to be sent a copy of your report. The telephone number is 1-800-428-9623.
Upon receiving your report you can add statements that are pertinent and you can also dispute any errors that you find. This report is free and receiving it is your first step towards removing Chexsystems from your life for good. Once you have done this then opening a new bank account should not be so difficult for you.

Important to Note about Chexsystems

Please be aware that if you discover that you do owe money on past bank accounts you have been in possession of in the past then you should take care of that business before you attempt to have negative information removed from your report. There is a Chexsystems Collection Agency through which you can pay the balance owing on your delinquent account. Once you have this cleared it will be easier to remove negative items from the Chexsystem report and from there to remove your name and file from the database all together!

One Comment to “How to Remove Chexsystems”

  1. conrado lansang says:

    I was recently denied a bank account based on the information that Chex Systems maintains under my name Conrado Lansang, at JP morgan Chase Bank. I can’t access my copy of my Chex System Report to no avail, and, I will never know what is in my file. ( As to what to contest on the Report.

    Please, email to me my Chex system discrepancy, to assess my chance to recoup my banking priveleges AGAIN…

    Conrado Lansang

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